New Year's Resolutions
It's 2007 -- the start of a new year. After a wonderful end to 2006 with friends at our home (including Cindy and David and kids who endured three miserable travel days to get home from Kentucky! and Elizabeth and her family who arrived home from their holiday vacation to a flooded bathroom!), it's time to reflect on what 2007 might bring. Here's a few thoughts:
1) Of course, you gotta show up! If you don't show up, you don't know what you missed, what could have been. So show up for your family, particularly your spouse, and show up for your friends. If you're blessed to have wonderful family and friends, then also think about how to show up for your community to help shape the world for your kids and to help others in need.
2) Be patient and be gentle. Enough said.
3) Leverage strength into positive contributions -- without being hard.
4) Work hard, play hard (and of course, run hard.)
5) Write notes every now and then to long-lost friends and loved ones. With email and IM, it's nice to get a hand-written note.
6) Eat well (as in good food and as in healthy food). A healthy body fuels a healthy mind. And good meals with family and friends create great memories.
7) Enjoy daily physical activity -- run, walk, swim, do yoga, skateboard, whatever turns you on, just do it.
8) Live each day in the present. Don't worry about tomorrow -- focus on today. (Easier said than done for me.)
Thank you to my wonderful husband, Fraser, and my kids, Bric, Shelby and Dean for all their love and patience every year. Thank you (and my dear friends) for all the wonderful memories you have given me. I'm so blessed and so looking forward to this year.