Monday, December 22, 2008

Keep on Giving

Tis the season! I delivered holiday gifts to friends and neighbors yesterday and felt so good. I made pots filled with cooking herbs....lemon thyme, oregano and cilantro. Perfect for anyone who cooks. I picked up the herbs and soil (and advice) from Natural Gardener.

I have really enjoyed our small garden...we use pots and are growing three different lettuces, spinach, arugula, and herbs. And brussel sprouts and shallots, but they haven't shown up yet.

I feel like I am doing my part to grow some of my own food so I don't waste so much food and only use what I need. Not to mention I'm saving money. Now, I need to figure out whether a CSA is the right thing for me....not sure I cook enough to sign up for a CSA.

So tis the season...I hope my friends enjoy their gift that will keep on giving for months and months.

Merry Christmas.