Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I've moved this blog "Just Show Up" to this public blog space so it's easy for my friends to find it.

My blog is primarily focused on getting exercise and living a healthy life....particularly for older women (40s plus). It's about showing up for the workouts and getting them done. But it's also about showing up for life. Showing up for community and school activities so you make a difference. Showing up for your friends and family so that you create memories. These are the subjects I'll address.

Today was another hard swim day - here's the workout:

200 yard warm-up freestyle
200 yard flutter kick
100 yard freestyle
300 yards of freestyle with hand paddles/floatie
2 cycles of: 200 yds, 100 yds, 50 yds with 30 sec rest in between each
4 50-yard sprints, each sprint plus rest within 75 seconds
200 yards cool down

Nice, strong work out....swimming is really an incredible overall exercise. Works your core, shoulders and legs. No impact on knees, joints and those problem areas for some of us older athletes!

The cross-training is great...because it allows me to keep on running!

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